Ways of working in an Interprofessional Team

Interprofessional collaboration is when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds or disciplines work together to achieve a common objective in regard to delivering the highest quality of care for patients (World Health Organisation, 2010). By collaborating with Health workers from different backgrounds, the spectrum of errors is greatly reduced due to the shared knowledge of different aspects of a patient (O’Brien, 2013). For the patient, this means the most comprehensive care is available to them, providing them with comfort regarding their health. All of this is achieved when collaboration is effective, as ineffective collaboration can cause the care of a patient to come into jeopardy if preciousness is not avoided (e.g. Professional isn’t sensitive to different values and/or doesn’t recognise that they are not the only person working with the client) (Bosch & Mansell, 2015). Learning about effective Interprofessional communication is important for any discipline. Being able to identify, recognise and accept other professionals and work together effectively has great benefits for Physiotherapy. For instance, a patient can be referred back and forth between myself and a bone specialist in regard to how I should be treating a patient recovering from a broken bone concerning their physical capacity at any given time. This makes learning about Interprofessional teamwork extremely useful.087b91d52e52d49cad26b075d8162f0c

Figure 5; Interprofessional teamwork working towards a common goal


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